
The Hôtel de Ville de Paris is a building in Paris, France, that houses the local administrative offices of Paris within it. The building has served as the City Hall of Paris since 1357. The present Neo-Renaissance building was built by architects Theodore Barrieux and Edouard Depert on the site of the old City Hall, which was destroyed by fire during the Paris Commune of 1871. Its grand facade is 143 meters wide and 18.80 meters high (26.80 meters at the corners and 50 meters including the bell tower The square in front of the City Hall is 143 meters wide and 18.80 meters high (26.80 meters at the corners and 50 meters including the belfry).

The square in front of Paris City Hall, formerly known as Place de Greve and now known as Place de la Ville de Paris,2 is a hotspot for exhibitions and other cultural events.

For the 2024 Paris Olympics, Paris City Hall and its square will be the site of events in the heart of the French capital. This historic site will be the starting point for the Olympic Games’ most legendary long-distance race, the marathon. In the summer of 2024, the square will be a spectacular backdrop for the athletes who will start the 42.195 km marathon.3 Thus, the Paris City Hall is closely associated with the Paris Olympics 2024.

パリ市庁舎(Hôtel de Ville de Paris)は、フランスのパリにある建物で、パリの地方行政機関がその中に入っています。この建物は、パリの市庁舎として1357年から使用されています。現在の新ルネサンス様式の建物は、1871年のパリ・コミューンで焼失した旧市庁舎の跡地に、建築家テオドール・バリュとエドゥアール・デペルトによって建てられました。その壮大なファサードは、幅143メートル、高さ18.80メートル(角部分は26.80メートル、鐘楼を含むと50メートル)に及びます。



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