
ゴルドのラベンダー畑(Lavender Fields in Gordes): プロヴァンス地方はラベンダー畑で有名で、その中でもゴルド周辺の畑は特に美しいです。夏になると、広がるラベンダー畑が紫色に咲き誇り、風に揺れる光景は圧巻です。ラベンダーの香り漂う風景は訪れる価値があります。

Lavender Fields in Gordes: The Provence region is famous for its lavender fields, and the fields around Gordes are particularly beautiful. In the summer, the sight of the lavender fields in full purple bloom, swaying in the wind, is breathtaking. The fragrance of lavender in the air is well worth the visit.

Antenne France
Antenne France
記事本文: 901
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